Saturday, December 28, 2013

Greenhouse Infoshop needs Books and Radical Literature's

Greenhouse Infoshop needs new reading materials particularly radical anti-authoritarian literature's for the library, here's the following reading materials that we needed:

* Recipes for Disaster (An Anarchist Cookbook) Crimethinc
* Contradictionary Crimethinc
Work Crimethinc
* Rolling Thunder all issues Crimethinc
* Demanding the Impossible/ the history of anarchism Peter Marshall
* Books about Bicycle Repairs, DIY manuals
 * Zines (Anarcha-Feminism, Prisoner Support, Green Anarchism,               Mental health)
                             We need your Help and Support!
                                          In Solidarity (A)

                                                                        Mailing Address:
                                                            Green House Infoshop Project 
    Blk. 7 Lt. 13, Gladiola St., Grandview Heights
  Subd., Pacol Naga City Philippines 4400
  472-00-78 / +639056434562

The first Infoshop in bikol region

Green house Infoshop Project  is  a new grassroots autonomous space located in Pacol Naga City Philippines, Promoting sustainable community relation through Workshops, Library, Gardening, Film Screening, Food not Bombs and other causes for social and ecological transformation following the principles of Direct-Action, Mutual-Aid, Voluntary Cooperation, Free Association and Non Hierarchical relation, Practically anarchistic and anti-authoritarian tendency.

Before not having a space we are already creating activities such as food not bombs and radical art exhibits, book fairs and independent zines and comics    since 2007.

Currently we are organizing the following activities:    

Cinexistence is monthly event of film screening which promotes alternative ideas by means of radical films and documentaries. Cinexistence main goal is to provide alternative media counter to consumerist mainstream media and uphold critical thinking.      

Mobile Soup Kitchen is a direct action free food sharing project.

Permakultura is an urban gardening project promoting sustainability by utilizing small spaces and open land. Permakultura is still under experimentation.

                                       For more info. email <>